Monday, December 1, 2008

First Post! X_X and on the subject on negros....

Hey everyone! This is Fred Chun, Supa Nerd (get it? It's actually Super. Not Supa.)! My first post in my newest blog entitled "THE HUMBLE ABODE OF FRED CHUN, SUPER (A 'wink wink') NERD!" The reason why I made this one is because apparently you can't threaten to curse a certain *eorge * *ush (I never reveal the uppercase letters of my enemies *teehee*) without getting ordered to shut down all blogs. but they don't know I made THIS one so "sshhhhhhhhh"

<========== "O0wned" Uncle Sam. "Pwwwwwnnneeddd."

Now on negros... As I'm sure all of you guys know, negro is the color black in spanish! So why black? Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black Black... why is black on the mind of Freddy (which is me). Well let me tell you why... Well because right now... after my legal fights with the U.S. government... the cancellations of my syndicated blogs... and my parents' refusal to lend me 50 bucks for L4D... (not mention a certain Luigi spiking my heart into the abyss of my soul)... I feel a little negro now in my heart. :[ => Q_Q THAT'S RIGHT WORLD. SUPA NERD IS Q_QING AND YOU GOTTA JUST SUCK IT UP. Well... that's all I can write for now... let me just go in my bathroom to take a shower... and then maybe some green tea... and then I'll maybe kill myself. :[ maybe.

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